GLAD Program
The Good Life with Arthritis program (GLAD) is an evidence-based program for the treatment and management of symptoms related to hip and knee osteoarthritis. It is designed to provide you with the tools and resources you need to manage your arthritis and improve your overall quality of life.
The program begins with two education sessions led by a trained facilitator. These sessions cover topics such as:
- A review of arthritis
- Pain management strategies
- Discussion of treatment options to manage arthritis
- Strategies to help you manage your day to day activities
The program includes 12 in-person group based exercise classes over 6 weeks led by trained and experienced clinicians. Participants also have the chance to connect with other individuals with arthritis and share their experiences and tips for managing their condition.
The Good Life with Arthritis (GLAD) program can help you by providing strategies for managing arthritis pain and improving overall quality of life. It includes information on safe and effective exercise for individuals with arthritis, including stretching and strengthening exercises, which can help to reduce pain, improve joint function, and increase overall physical health and fitness.
The GLAD program runs twice a week for six weeks. The first week of the program begins with two education classes led by a trained clinician.
The first treatment session will include an assessment of your hip or knee by a GLAD certified therapist. After your assessment the therapist will instruct you on specific exercises that can be performed safely.
Each session is 60 minutes in duration and conducted in a group format. Each session will involve a gentle and gradual exercise program where the therapist will monitor your technique, provide individualized feedback and progress your activity depending on your symptoms.
GLAD sessions are designed to be interactive, engaging, and empowering. By participating in the program, you can gain the skills and knowledge you need to effectively manage your arthritis and improve overall quality of life.
Pain Program
A pain program is a comprehensive approach to treating ongoing pain that lasts for longer than 12 weeks. Ongoing or chronic pain can impact physical function, emotional well-being, and quality of life. The goal of a pain program is to help you learn to manage your pain and improve your overall health and quality of life by learning how to manage your symptoms while gradually increasing your activity.
Participating in a pain program can help you manage your pain in several ways. The program can help identify and manage pain triggers and develop coping strategies to reduce pain intensity and frequency. Treatment includes a graduated program designed to gently improve your physical function and activity tolerance to increase independence in daily activities. In addition to physical management, it is helpful to work with a mental health clinician to manage the emotional and psychological impact of chronic pain, such as stress, anxiety, and depression.
Participating in a pain program can help you develop the tools and strategies needed to manage your painful condition and improve your quality of life.

Payment Options
Services at Insight Health Solutions Wellness and Rehabilitation are available on a fee for service basis. This means that most services are not an OHIP funded program.
There are various options for payment to cover the cost of your rehabilitations needs.
- Extended Health Benefits
- You will be provided with a receipt at the end of each session after you have provided payment for services.
- This receipt can be used to submit for reimbursement from your extended health benefits provider.
- Automobile Accident Insurance
- If you have been injured in an automobile accident you would be eligible to receive treatment cover by your auto insurance. Some specific considerations would apply. Please reach out to the clinic to review your eligibility.
- Self-Pay (Debit/Credit)
- You are welcome to pay for services on a fee for service basis using your debit or credit card and you will be provided with a detailed receipt at the end of each session.