Insight Health Solution’s extensive healthcare experience drives our ability to support absence management differently. A customized and multifaceted absence risk strategy supports our clients’ organizations and focuses on their most valuable asset – their people.
Insight Health Solution’s focus on early and safe return to work is the foundation of our approach to accommodation and disability case management.
We utilize proactive strategies across our service models which powers best in class results:
- Rapid Response processes to initiate management of injured or ill employees reduces severity and durations of disability
- Focused Return to Work approach integrated across all our case discussions and interventions drives achievement of case cost and duration results

Disability Case Management
Insight Health Solution’s Disability Case Management services provide support for all types of case assignments from our clients. We support their ad hoc case management requirements or serve as their fully outsourced Disability and Return to Work Department. Our team works at our client sites or remotely to integrate into the operational needs of our customers.
We help with:
- Simple and complex short-term disability cases management
- Medical accommodation requests
- Sick Bank utilization reviews
- Workers’ Compensation Claims management
- Long Term Disability transition and return to work

Physician to Physician Consultations
Doctors’ notes provided by employees may generate more questions than answers. Often ambiguous doctor’s notes provided do not quantify your employee’s abilities which results in challenging accommodations modified duties progression. Whether the case involves physical or mental health cases and cognitive impairments, Insight Health Solution’s physicians provide support to employers by reaching out to treating practitioners to clarify and provide guidance to accommodation programs. Employee consent is obtained, and all information provided back to the employer is functional only with all medical information being kept strictly confidential.

Ergonomic Evaluations
Ergonomic assessments play a pivotal role in promoting a healthy and efficient work environment. Our clinicians provide a comprehensive evaluation of the workplace to ensure they align with ergonomic principles and the specific needs of an employee. By identifying and addressing potential risk factors, ergonomic assessments contribute to the prevention of injuries, enhance employee comfort, and optimize productivity. In production and office environments, our reports balance employee well-being and organizational performance.

Independent Medical Examinations (IMEs)
There can be differing medical opinions on the outcome of an employee’s accommodation and occupational or non-occupational disability case. Independent Medical Examinations (IMEs) are conducted by Insight Health Solution’s physicians for both physical and cognitive/mental diagnoses. The IME will provide objective opinions on the employee’s medical condition and answer specific questions provided by the employer. With these answers, an IME provides context to the employee’s recovery, functional capacity, permanent or temporary impairments and future projected function.

Functional Capacity Evaluations (FCEs)
In the instance where an individual sustains an injury that affects their ability to perform work tasks, Functional Capacity Evaluations (FCEs) detail the employee’s physical capabilities which helps to support informed decisions on job placement, return-to-work strategies, and personalized work accommodations. Testing procedures reveal consistency of effort and identify when the participant is attempting to minimize their actual capacity.

Return to Work Assessments
Return to work assessments support employees transitioning to their roles after an absence. We will work with your organization to evaluate your employees’ physical and/or mental readiness to resume work duties safely and effectively. These assessments can be functional with job match to specific physical or cognitive demands of the work assignment and can include physician assessment if needed.
By considering the specific requirements of the job and the employee’s current health status, our clinicians quantify abilities and match that to required accommodations and support mechanisms tailored to the specific employee’s needs. This removes barriers to work reintegration programs.

Fitness for Duty Assessments (Safety Sensitive)
Our psychologists and psychiatrists will assess and provide a report detailing the employee’s functional abilities and anticipated future duration of the disability or accommodation period. There is also the ability to conduct specific evaluations related to substance use and fitness for work.
Organizations often require assistance to determine an employee’s functional status on return to work or during work accommodation in high risk and safety sensitive work. This information is often not expressly detailed by treating community practitioners, and the employer often requires additional objective clearance.

Physical and Cognitive Demands Analysis
Physical (PDAs) and Cognitive Demands Analyses (CDAs) ensure alignment with industry standards and detail bona fide job requirements. PDAs and CDAs are important building blocks to a defensible program focused on improving workplace safety, making informed hiring decisions, or optimizing job accommodations. The physical aspects of a job are measured and weight, distances, repetitions are quantified. With cognitive elements, there are specific measures and tools designed to quantify aspects such as working with distraction, supervision and other components.
Our clinicians deliver a comprehensive analysis of both physical and cognitive demands within specific job roles. PDAs and CDAs also can be combined into a single comprehensive Job Demands Analysis (JDA) report per job role.